New Year's Eve brings out variety of emotions in people. This year there was some uncertainty, frustration and one huge surprise. Uncertainty came in the form of the weather. New Year's Eve this year featured a temperature of -24C, upped to -36C when you added the windchill. The normal minded person would probably stay inside under such conditions, but the call of fireworks can be very strong. Uncertainty was quickly replaced by frustration as what should have
been a quick car ride to my desired parking spot ended up turning into a bit of an adventure as the first road was blocked off by police and security forces, I guess to make sure that people didn't get to close to the explosions. We'll keep that in mind for later. The secondary road to my spot ended up being congested with traffic as it seems that an in-ordinarily large amount of people seemed to want to spend New Year's Eve at the casino. Why they were making the trek at 11:30PM is a bit of a question to ask, but I guess that's one that will need to be answered at another time. After finally getting out of the traffic, parking the car and making a mad dash up the hill, My Lovely Assistant and I finally arrived at my desired location, just to find out that Mother Nature had been at work and caused the trees to grow in the years since I had last visited that spot.

It was too late to turn, so I quickly began to shoot away as fireworks began to explode over the special illumination of the Jacques Cartier Bridge. Then came the huge surprise. At the stroke of midnight the sky lit up like one would expect when fireworks are involved...however these fireworks
were going off rather close to us. One parking lot away to be exact. We could see the flashes of the explosions going off and a quick look up revealed a sky full of colour and smoke. Not to mention the fiery debris that was falling down all around us. A large piece of which My Lovely Assistant brought home with us. It made a New Year's Eve that will not only be hard to forget, but hard to top as well. Back to business, I felt that the photographs left a little to be desired. We were to close to the fireworks to properly capture them, but the experience was one that won't be forgotten. Also, as My Lovely Assistant often tells me, the photographs aren't really as bad as I make them out to be either. The first photograph was taken at f/16, 2sec, ISO 3200 at 24mm. The second photograph was taken at f/13, 5sec, ISO 100 at 24mm. The third photograph was taken at f/22, 4sec, ISO 3200 at 24mm and the fourth photograph was taken at f/20, 4sec, ISO 3200 at 24mm. Here are a few more photographs from the night.

f/22, 4sec, ISO 3200 at 24mm
f/22, 2sec, ISO 3200 at 24mm
f/22, 3sec, ISO 3200 at 24mm
Yes, an old enemy returned, that being the version of me that forgets to reset the ISO after using the camera. This resulted in a little bit more Photoshop work after the fact, but hopefully that guy won't be returning to often this year. From My Lovely Assistant and myself to all of you, may your 2018 be full of all kinds of great surprises.
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