I've found myself in some interesting situations over the years thanks to my camera. The latest adventure found me in a school gymnasium. No, I wasn't there to jump the pommel horse or to do any laps, thank goodness, but rather to photograph some young actors. One of my co-workers at The Day Job has a daughter who runs an after-school theater group as part of a school project. They were putting on their end of session spectacular and invited your Friendly Neighbourhood Photographer to capture the show. I like nothing more than doing such things, and the thought of young kids participating in artistic activities is something I support, so I
was more than happy to haul my gear down to the show and help. Their production was a retelling of three fairy tales, Sleeping Beauty, Red Riding Hood and Cinderella. I arrived early so I was able to photograph both the final rehearsal and the main performance. I was happy to be there for the rehearsal because it allowed me to take some photographs from the front of the stage without blocking any viewers. It also allowed me to see the show a first time so that I would know of any surprise events that would take place and I'd take a mental note to make sure that I wouldn't miss them the second time. Such was the case with a certain glass of water
that will be seen in the photographs that will be appearing further down the page. The director was a little nervous as show time approached, though not as nervous as he Mom, but in the end everything went off without a hitch and the young actors were treated to a standing ovation from the appreciative crowd. The first photograph was taken at f/2.8, 1/640sec, ISO 3200 at 75mm. The second photograph was taken at f/2.8, 1/160sec, ISO 3200 at 59mm and the third photograph was taken at f/2.8, 1/125sec, ISO 3200 at 140mm. Here are a few more photographs that I took during their performance.

f/2.8, 1/320sec, ISO 3200 at 75mm
f/2.8, 1/250sec, ISO 3200 at 102mm
f/2.8, 1/200sec, ISO 3200 at 40mm
f/2.8, 1/160sec, ISO 3200 at 63mm
f/2.8, 1/250sec, ISO 3200 at 45mm
f/2.8, 1/200sec, ISO 3200 at 100mm
f/2.8, 1/320sec, ISO 3200 at 145mm
f/2.8, 1/320sec, ISO 3200 at 85mm
f/2.8, 1/160sec, ISO 3200 at 70mm
f/2.8, 1/200sec, ISO 3200 at 32mm
f/2.8, 1/160sec, ISO 3200 at 88mm
f/2.8, 1/160sec, ISO 3200 at 70mm
f/2.8, 1/100sec, ISO 3200 at 42mm
Yes, much like my young friend, I give the performance two thumbs-up as well. It was a fun way to spend the evening, and I'm glad that my photographs will help them complete their theatre project. A winning situation for everyone.