The musical weekend continues. After shooting some photographs at the Festival Classica, I made my way down the street to Greenfield Park. They were holding the first of what they feel will be an annual Ribfest. Ribs aren't really my thing, but photographing live music is and I felt that the event would provide me with a nice opportunity to grab some shots. Which was the case. The first band that I saw was called Intonation, and were a bunch of local musicians who were belting out some classic rock songs from the 1970's and 1980's. The four main singers were lined up along the front of the stage, with the musicians mostly stuck in the back of the

stage and in the wings. This kind of limited what I could shoot. Another obstacle was the music stands lined-up at the front of the stage and the fact that since the show was taking place before sunset, stage lights weren't turned on until very late into their set. Despite these little photographic annoyances, I still managed to grab a few shots of the show, and the fun that the group was having. The first photograph was taken at f/2.8, 1/250sec, ISO 400 at 70mm. The second photograph was taken at f/3.2, 1/1000sec, ISO 400 at 165mm and the third photograph was taken at f/2.8, 1/640sec, ISO 400 at 155mm. Here are a few more photographs that I took during their performance.

f/2.8, 1/640sec, ISO 400 at 200mm
f/2.8, 1/400sec, ISO 400 at 150mm
f/2.8, 1/800sec, ISO 400 at 200mm
f2.8, 1/500sec, ISO 400 at 200mm
f/2.8, 1/320sec, ISO 400 at 155mm
There was a brief break after their set, but there was another performance yet to come, which featured some of the same, and a couple of new, faces.
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