After having so much fun the night before, I figured maybe I had the time to take in a fourth concert on Sunday as well. The Festival Classica was still going on in Saint-Lambert and after taking a look at their schedule of outdoor shows, I noticed one that caught my eye. It was a trio of singers, Gino Quilico, Raphaëlle Paquette and Jean-Michel Richer, performing classic songs from famous Broadway plays. Though not really a big fan of plays myself, I thought it probably is something I should look into since I love both music and films. It's hard not to have gone through life without hearing some of the songs from classic pieces like Les Miserables, The Sound of
Music, West Side Story and The Phantom of the Opera. Upon reading the brief synopsis of the show and finding out it was starting in about half an hour, I grabbed my camera and was out the door. I managed to grab a nice spot to the left of the stage near one of the cement blocks that held up the inflatable roof over the stage. I thought about only taking photographs of a few songs, but the three of them weren't on stage together until near the very end of the show and I was having so much fun shooting photographs and listening to the songs. I took so many photographs that I ended up having to break the show up in to four different updates. This one,
featuring photographs of the three performers together on the stage, and then three other updates which feature them individually. As a result, we have not only our fourth consecutive day of updates here on the old blog, but four updates in one day as well. Phew, I think I can feel my keyboard melting under my fingers. I was planning on posting the updates on different days, but as My Lovely Assistant told me, doing so would mean that the last of the photographs would only be posted on Saturday, nearly a week after the concert had taken place. Now, I don't really have to deal with any deadlines since this blog is a creation of Your Friendly Neighbourhood
Photographer just to display his work, but even I found that posting photographs of a show one week after it happened is probably a bit extreme. So buckle up, there are lots of photographs waiting to be seen. The first photograph of this update was taken at f/4, 1/640sec, ISO 400 at 110mm. The second photograph was taken at f/4, 1/640sec, ISO 400 at 160mm. The third photograph was taken at f/4, 1/640sec ISO 400 at 125mm and the fourth photograph was taken at f/4, 1/640sec, ISO 400 at 150mm. Here are a couple more photographs of the trio performing together.

f/4, 1/640sec ISO 400 at 142mm
f/4, 1/250sec, ISO 400 at 200mm
Keep scrolling down the page for the solo updates as there are lots more photographs waiting to be seen. Or, I could make things easier by providing the following links. You can see the photographs of Jean-Michel Richer right here. The photographs of Raphaëlle Paquette can be found by following this link, and you can find the photographs of Gino Quilico by following this link. Though you're probably reading this update first it's actually the fourth that I'm writing as I wanted this one to show up first on the page so that people would understand the following three. The performance was spectacular with my favourite moment being the duet between Gino Quilico and Raphaëlle Paquette singing Phantom of the Opera from the play of the same name. And with that, I need a break. See you all soon.
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