The pandemic rolls on, but luckily there is still some live music taking place out there. Every Sunday during the month of September, Marjolaine Morasse and Élie Dupuis have been putting on some open air concerts in local parks, with some added promotion from Longueuil Est Culture. They've titled the show 'Les Pianos Rassembleurs' in an effort to bring people closer together, though still socially distanced, and have a good time. Together, they played a selection of their own songs and a couple of covers to a very appreciative Longueuil crowd. I think the best way to describe the show would be to use their own words. It's two friends around a piano mixing their musical universes to provide a unique open air moment. The first photograph was taken at f/4, 1/320sec ISO 100 at 200mm. Here are several more photographs of the performance.
Monday, 28 September 2020
Marjolaine Morasse & Élie Dupuis At Parc St-Mark
Friday, 25 September 2020
Mr. Blue Sky
A few weeks ago I thought that it might be fun to take The Heir Apparent out for a little boat ride. There is a ferry service that takes people from Longueuil to Montreal and I thought that it might make for a fun outing. Unfortunately, present circumstances meant that the ferry was actually put out of commission for the year back in the Spring. I guess I must have missed that notice. Though The Heir Apparent will have to wait, I can still relive the ride thanks to some photographs in the archives. This shot, taken at f/16 1/500sec, ISO 100 at 25mm, was grabbed during a ride a few years back. As you can see, it was a relatively cloud-free day and the sun was shining bright in the sky. A small aperture and a quick shutter speed helped create the star effect on the sun and darken the buildings. Hopefully we can take her on that ride next year. Maybe she'll even enjoy it a little more.
Tuesday, 22 September 2020
Welcome Autumn
It is easily one of my favourite days of the year, the first day of Autumn. Or as I prefer to call it, the end of my Summer misery. It was a particularly hot and humid Summer this year, and I for one am happy to see it go. As a reward for surviving the sweltering heat, Mother Nature is about to treat us with a wide variety of brilliant colours. As a little preview of what it is to come, here is a photograph, taken at f/16, 1/125sec, ISO 400 at 35mm, that I took while out on a Fall stroll last year with My Lovely Assistant while visiting my parents. We're not quite at that level of colour just yet, but after looking around my neighbourhood, I can already see some of the changes in the trees. So, get your sweater or light jacket ready to take in the sights, because though the colours may be great, they don't stick around for very long.
Friday, 18 September 2020
Maude Audet At Parc Saint-Mark

Wednesday, 16 September 2020
Taste Of Things To Come
Sunday, 13 September 2020
Back To The Beginning