Sunday 14 October 2012

Eating All Of Those Nuts Makes You Thirsty

As I've said before, the fun thing about going out for a day of taking pictures is that often you end up coming home with a picture you had no intention of taking which ends up being better than the ones you left home wanting to take.  Such was the case yesterday as I hit Ile Saint-Helene with the idea of getting some nice shots of the changing colours and also ending my day with some nice shots of the Biosphere's light being reflected in various bodies of water.  However, while I was walking along the numerous paths that are on the island, I came upon this little scene.  This was the base of a rather large tree which appears to have been carved out by some kind of squirrel or groundhog and probably used as as home.  And sitting right in front of the front door was a couple of discarded juice boxes.  The first thing that came into my mind was the classic scene from movies where you see the wrecked front lawn of a home after the teenagers have trashed the place after a party.  It was rather cloudy when I took this picture, and the leaves were still rather thick on the trees so it made for a dark scene.  So, I threw the camera into Manual mode and shot at f/2.8, ISO 100 for 1/20sec.  In hindsight, I probably should have upped the ISO, but I still like the finished image.  As a side note, it's crazy how much litter is strewn along those paths.  People, pick up your mess. 

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