Monday 29 October 2012

Spooks Against Cancer

This past Saturday night I was asked by my friend Jasmine to be the photographer at an event she was throwing.  It was a Halloween Party and also a fundraiser for the Canadian Cancer Society.  Jasmine is a cancer survivor, and like many people, I have lost family members to cancer. Add all of that together and this was an invitation that I couldn't refuse.  I was also looking forward to this event because I don't have much experience shooting parties, and it meant another battle with my sworn nemesis, the Canon Speedlite 580 EXII.  I don't have another piece of equipment that I can be totally in love with one minute and then be ready to throw against the wall in frustration mere minutes later.  I think I managed to win the battle this time as not only did I manage to take some pretty good shots, I also managed to successfully bounce the light using the built-in reflector.  If I could show you the histogram of this photo, it would be almost perfect.  Now, I just need to remember to return my settings after doing non-flash shots.  Using ISO 1600 with flash is not really the greatest of ideas...  Anyway, this photograph was shot at f/4.5 for 1/250sec at ISO 100.  I ended up coming home with several good shots and lots of money was raised for the Canadian Cancer Society.  In my books, that makes for a pretty good night.  To learn more about the Canadian Cancer Society and to find out how you can help in the fight against cancer, you can visit the Canadian Cancer Society website.

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