Thursday 28 November 2013

Antique Desk Drawer Handle

Those of you who are long time visitors to the site are well aware of the fact that I really like to photographs small things that most people either don't really notice or wouldn't necessarily think to photograph.  It's kind of a personal challenge for me to take something ordinary, in this case, a desk drawer handle and turn it into what I consider to be a nice photograph.  This handle came off of an old desk that belonged to my Great Grandmother.  Sadly, it was bunched in with several pieces of furniture that my parents had to part with when they moved this past autumn.  I was asked to photograph those pieces of furniture and while I was doing so, my eye kept getting drawn back to the handle.  I just really liked it's shape and the way it sat against the wood.  I also liked the wear marks from where the handle had been turned several times, possibly by a younger version of myself, as well as the grain of the wood itself.  I took this photograph at f/2.8, 1/800sec, ISO 1600 at 67mm.  I also cropped the photo a little bit and added a little colour by mixing some yellow, red and blue while in Photoshop.  I know, I broke the Photoshop Rule, but sometimes rules are meant to be broken.  I shot at ISO 1600 because though there was some sun coming into the room, there was not enough to properly shoot at f/2.8, which I wanted to use in order to put the handle in focus, but blur out everything else.  I probably could have achieved the same effect using a lower ISO number with a tripod, but I didn't have it with me.  What is the lesson to be learned from this?  Always bring your tripod with you as it can be used in many more situations than taking photographs at night.

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