It's time once again for the mad rush to the Stanley Cup to begin. Sadly, the home team will not be participating in the tournament this year. They had issues with their star goaltender being injured and not knowing what to do after it happened. I suppose that I can relate. I sometimes find myself at a loss when dealing with my photographs. There's only so much editing that one can do before my mind starts to wander. Especially when I'm faced with a folder full of photographs. So, sometimes I take a little break from the serious work and just decide to play around a little bit in Photoshop. I try not to overly manipulate my photographs, but when you find yourself with so many different functions and filters at your fingertips, it can sometimes make
for a fun little artistic adventure. There's only one drawback. Like with all fun adventures, sometimes you have so much fun that you end up forgetting where you began. Such is the case with these photographs. The original, taken at f/5, 1/500sec, ISO 1000 at 168mm was taken during a game played by my favourite goaltender, Florence, last fall. I had several photographs to go through, and ended up playing with this one for a little while. If memory serves, I believe I ended up using some of the Artistic and Brush Stroke filters. The final result was an image that kind of looks like a drawing. As someone who has trouble drawing stick men, I get a kick out of producing these photo drawings.

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