It's WrestleMania Weekend, so as I continue my little stroll through the archives that has resulted from my recent computer problems I came upon these old photographs from my school days. These were from a course on Product Photography. We already visited that folder once a few months back for a photograph that I took of an old camera that belonged to my Grandmother. On another occasion, I brought in this action figure of Andre The Giant. Andre was a legend in the world of pro wrestling, with a little bit of home town flair tossed in as well. Andre was already well known in Europe, but made his North American ring debut in Montreal, selling out the Forum numerous times before continuing on and gaining global fame through his time
in what was then known as the World Wrestling Federation, today known as World Wrestling Entertainment. So, I brought Andre to class that night and posed him in a light tent and also on a lighting table. Trying all kinds of different settings. With the first photograph, which was taken at f/14, 1/60sec, ISO 100 at 28mm, I used a very bright light. My goal was to treat the figure as if it were a real person and used the harsh light to pretty much wipe out the background and really make the figure stand out. With the second photograph, which was shot at f/5.6, 1/80sec, ISO 400 at 24mm, I tried to use a more soft, even lighting. Kind of as if I were posing the figure the photograph would be used to sell it on a website like eBay. To be honest, those settings were pretty much a crap shoot in the sense that this was pure experimentation. But, that was also part of the fun. Despite the fact that going into the studio I had very little idea what I was doing, I felt that these two photographs came out rather well. I probably should have gone with a smaller aperture in the second photograph, but there isn't much more that I think I would have done differently. Andre took part in a match at the first WrestleMania, and now it's time for the 32rd edition. Time to fire up some nachos and relax.

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