A few weeks back I attended a concert by the bands Death Angel, Anthrax and Slayer at the Montreal Metropolis. Despite my location in the venue, I was still able to come home with what I felt were some pretty good photographs. If you happened to miss those photographs, or just feel like visiting them again, the first group of photographs taken of Death Angel and Slayer can be found at this link, while the second set of photographs taken of Slayer can be found at this link. As mentioned in the original posts, I wasn't sure I'd be able to get many clear shots of the band in action because of the low light and my distance from the stage. Fortunately, I was able to get
some, but in case that I wouldn't, I also took some other shots during the concert where I focused more on the lighting. Instead of adjusting my camera settings to capture the action on the stage, I played around with different shutter speeds in order to capture both the colour of the lights while also trying to get some silhouettes of the fans into the shots in order to provide a bit of mood to the photographs. I really like the second shot of the green lights washing over the crowd, as well as the photograph of Slayer guitarist Kerry King being surrounded by orange spotlights while the lit up background seems to watch over him as he plays. The first photograph was taken at f/1.8, 1/160sec, ISO 1250 at 50mm and the second photograph was taken at f/5.6, 1/320sec, ISO 1250 at 50mm. Here are a few more photographs.

f/5.6, 1/640sec, ISO 1250 at 50mm
f/2.2, 1/200sec, ISO 1250 at 50mm
f/5, 1/2000sec, ISO 1250 at 50mm
This was probably one of my most fun outings of the year. Not only was the concert excellent, but I ended up getting a large amount of cool photographs out of a situation where I thought I would probably get nothing at all. I'm glad that I didn't listen to that little voice in my head that was telling me to keep my camera at home.
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