Back on May 17, the city of Montreal had a special lighting of the Jacques Cartier Bridge as part of the 375th Anniversary celebration of the city. I had a bit of an adventure trying to find a good spot to photograph the show. You can read about it, as well as see the photographs,
by following this link. I was trying to avoid such drama this time and decided to stay a little closer to home on the other side of the river, but despite a few weeks of looking, I couldn't really find a good spot. I decided to try a spot under the bridge, but the location ended up being ruined by a police car that was stationed along the street. The actual car wasn't the problem, but rather its flashing lights. The car was so close that the flashing lights would end up bleeding into my shots and

just ruining all of my test shots. I moved to the other side of the bridge, but this wasn't much better as the illuminated part of the bridge was just too far away. As a result, the evening ended up turning into a bit of a practice for the upcoming fireworks competition that begins next week. The first photograph was taken at f/16, 10sec, ISO 100 at 24mm. The second photograph was taken at f/16, 8sec, ISO 100 at 70mm and the third photograph was taken at f/16, 13sec, ISO 100 at 70mm. Here is another photograph that was taken at f/16, 13sec, ISO 100 at 24mm.

My first location offered me a better view of the bridge, but this one offered me a better view of the fireworks. I was a little disappointed in that I was hoping for better shots of the bridge, but seeing as how I also like fireworks, I won't be complaining for very long. Bring on the fireworks competition!
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