Thursday 8 June 2017

Winter Cardinal

The weather finally seems to have taken a turn towards warmer temperatures, so I guess I should take that as a cue that my unused winter photographs are soon to find their way into the archives until they possibly find a way out next winter.  Or, during a particularly warm day later in the Summer when I need to find a happy, snowy place to hide from the heat.  I took these photographs back in January while attending the Classique Montréalaise.  I had originally spotted these cardinals on my way to the event, but was in kind of a rush to get there.  As a result, I passed up on photographing the birds and hoped that they would still be there on my way back.  Once the final goal was scored, I quickly hopped back on a bus and made my way back to see if my feathered friends were still flying around. Though the sun was beginning to go down, I was happy to see that the cardinals were still there.  Luckily for me, not only were they still there, but they were used to humans being around so I didn't have to hide very far away to get some photographs.  The first photograph was taken at f/4, 1/640sec, ISO 400 at 200mm and the second photograph was taken at f/4, 1/200sec, ISO 400 at 200mm.  Here is another photograph that I took.
f/4, 1/400sec, ISO 400 at 200mm

I enjoy looking at birds, especially when they're as colourful as these were.  Placed against a rather colourless background and they really stand out.

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