Thursday, 7 December 2017

Head In The Flowers

Visiting the parents always provides an opportunity to grab a photograph or two along the way.  My Mom always has a variety of flowers around the house.  They're very colourful and prove to be the perfect addition to the blog when we're going through a series of grey days.  This moth orchid was on a table during one visit and the colours immediately grabbed my attention.  The purple on white made for a nice pattern, and then the yellow on the long petals.  Then, after giving the whole thing a look-over, I noticed what looked like the head of a bird right in the middle of the darn thing.  That became the focus of what I tried to look at while I'd play around, looking for just the right light and angle.  I not only wanted to capture the nice colours, but I wanted to get a good look of that bird head as well.  I grabbed my Macro lens and took the photograph at f/4, 1/125sec, ISO 400 at 60mm, trying to keep as much of the head in focus while letting the larger purple and white petals fade off and flow into the background.  There's always fun to be had photographing flowers.

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