Wednesday, 25 November 2020
Victorian Sunset
Sunday, 22 November 2020
Powdered Sunset
Tuesday, 17 November 2020
Curved Colour
Sunday, 15 November 2020
Late Arrivals
One thing that I have noticed during my many walks with The Heir Apparent is that there is an abundance of pigeons that have claimed the area around the highway overpass as their own. Many of them congregate around the light pole just before the overpass where they watch all of the cars, and baby strollers, that pass by. While out on one of our walks, I had my camera with me and decided to hang around a little bit as there were lots of comings and goings happening. I waited for the pole to be almost full and shot as the final arrivals came in looking for a spot. The photograph was taken at f/16, 1/200sec, ISO 400 at 70mm, and yes, we do end up walking just a little bit faster when it happens that we need to pass underneath that light pole. The roof on the stroller goes up too, no need for any surprises from above.
Thursday, 12 November 2020
Champlain Bridge Sunset
The one thing I miss the most since we moved our head office one year ago is photographing sunsets next to the bridges of Montreal. I was fortunate enough to live within walking distance of two of those bridges and longtime fans of the page will know that they have featured prominently in my photographs. However, one bridge, or two in this case, that has so far escaped being featured here is the old Champlain Bridge and its new replacement, the Samuel de Champlain Bridge. Knowing this, My Lovely Assistant decided that with the warm November weather we were experiencing, it was the perfect time to visit the new bridge. The Samuel de Champlain Bridge has an awesome walking path that features a great view of downtown Montreal. I had hoped to take my sunset photograph from up there, but it was terribly smoggy over the city and the view was not very nice at all. Also, it was at that time that The Heir Apparent decided she didn't really want to be up on the bridge any longer so we made a u-turn about half-way across and made our way back. The Heir Apparent must have been clued in to something, as once we got back on land, the sky over both bridges cleared out and the sun began to set. It could be seen peeking through one of the concrete piers of the old bridge. My only dilemma was that I couldn't decide which cropped version of the photograph I liked more, so they both get posted. The photograph was taken at f/16, 1/125sec, ISO 100 at 50mm. I didn't end up getting the skyline shot I was hoping for, but the bridge is fairly new and should be around for a few more years. Or at least I and many tax payers certainly hope so.
Tuesday, 10 November 2020
Don't Forget Your Poppy
Remembrance Day, as with everything, is a little bit different this year. There will be no big celebrations in any cities and missing from your local grocery or retail stores are the Veterans who would sit at a table to sell their Poppies and be more than happy to share a story or two with people who were willing to listen. Remembrance Day has always been one of my favourite days. From the ceremonies in High School, to attending the big outdoor events in Montreal and also to having some of those chats with the Veterans who would be stationed at my Day Job. Over the year, those Veterans began to be replaced by other volunteers, but their sacrifices will never be forgotten. To celebrate this year, I brought a couple of forgotten poppies out from the archives. I photographed these from my Mom's garden all the way back
in 2013, but wasn't happy with the way I had edited them. The first photograph was taken at f/4, 1/200sec, ISO 400 at 60mm and the second photograph was taken at f/4, 1/60sec, ISO 400 at 60mm. Both were taken using a Macro lens for a little bit of added magnification. Getting back to what I said at the beginning of this update, you probably noticed that the poppies are missing from the stores you visit this year. If you would like to get a poppy and make a donation to support the cause, you can visit the Royal Canadian Legion website where you can find out how to buy a poppy over the internet. It is a very worthwhile cause to support as we should never fail to remember the sacrifices made by those who made it possible to enjoy the freedom that we have today.
Saturday, 7 November 2020
Fall Reflection
I must admit that as this year continues to move forward, I find myself suffering from a little bit of late in the year 'blahs'. I'm not finding the usual inspiration for photographs at the moment and find myself digging through the archives far more than taking new shots. In one respect, it is a good thing since I believe I may have said at one time that I probably had enough photographs for a years worth of updates. I just didn't really think that I'd have that claim put to the test. This photograph, taken at f/7.1, 1/125sec, ISO 100 at 41mm, was taken during a Fall walk last year. They say that the end of the year is a time for reflection, though that usually takes place closer to the end of the year. I guess I just decided to start that a little bit earlier than usual.