In retrospect, photographing something with a pure white background and placing it on this white blog page might not have been the brightest of ideas. As I mentioned a while back, this coming Sunday is the Old Car Exposition in Saint-Lambert, an event that I like to attend when I can. Lots of cool old cars to see, and lots of cool car parts to photograph. Some of the car logos are special and creative, and the Porsche logo really stands out. In my photography classes, I was taught that it's sometimes best not to put the subject of you photograph in the center of the frame. That's what I did with the first photograph you see here, placing the logo on the lower
right third of the photograph. But, as sometimes happens, I got to thinking and began to wonder what the logo would look like if I cropped it a little tighter and put it dead center. Kind of like a flag. I think it that the coat of arms has the makings of representing the imaginary country of 'Porsche' rather well. Both images were created from the same original photograph and it was taken at f/8, 1/1000sec, ISO 100 at 68mm. If any of you out there live close to Saint-Lambert and like to look at old cars, try and find the time to visit the exposition on Sunday. There's usually a wide selection of cars on display and everyone is real friendly.

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