Back in my younger years, the end of March meant that soon the snow would be melting away. Though it also meant that summer heat was just around the corner, it also meant that soon the fields would be nice and green. Soon there would be the sweet sounds of a baseball meeting a leather glove, or the crack of the bat when it would rip into an oncoming pitch. This year the local youngsters might have to wait a little bit longer to experience those beautiful sounds as the big snow storm from last weekend has left one of the last local ballparks of my youth covered under a sticky layer of snow. While this may be bad news for the ball players, it was
kind of good news for me, because I think the conditions made for some nice photographs. I tried to line up my photographs using the fences of the park as my leading lines. Either looking down the line towards home plate, or following the curve of the outfield walls I feel that I was able to use those fences to lead your eyes towards other things in those photographs, and most of them are covered in snow. I also did a little extra Photoshopping with these photographs, adding a little extra contrast to the photographs which brought out more of the green from the fences, giving a little more colour to the photographs. A little bit of fun experimentation. The first photograph was taken at f/9, 1/160sec, ISO 100 at 62mm. The second photograph was taken at f/9, 1/160sec, ISO 100 at 32mm and here's a third photograph to complete the set.

f/16, 1/40sec, ISO 100 at 70mm
So, since you might not be able to play any baseball this weekend, how's about heading over to the library in Greenfield Park? I hear that they've got a photography exhibition under way.