Phew! That was quite the bit of self-promotion that we've experience over the last little while. Those out there who know me are already well aware that I am not a man of many words. I'm the person who prefers to lay back in the corner, and has no problem not being the star of the party. For someone like me to be placed front and center, putting on a display of my photographs and then meeting and speaking with lots of people is difficult. Don't get me wrong. I had a great time, enjoyed every second of it and deep down and can't wait to do it again. But, it is still difficult. That's why it was good to get out early this morning, walk in the snow and get back to a little peace and quiet. There was a wet and sticky snow storm here last night, and the snow was still
sticking to the trees this morning. My Lovely Assistant had to leave for her 'day job', so I took advantage of the opportunity to put on my boots and go take a quiet walk in the snow. Some quality alone time. A chance to not only recollect my thoughts, but to go out and snap some photographs as well. Such as the two that you see here today. The first shot, taken at f/9, 1/100sec, ISO 100 at 28mm, had me glad that I was wearing my boots as I was in snow up to my ankles in order to get it. The second photograph, taken at f/10, 1/100sec, ISO 100 at 24mm, is one of my favourites on the day because I really liked having the colours of the swing stand out against the snow covered branches in the background. It was a good little walk. Now, a little more self-promotion before I go. Don't forget that my photographs still remain on display until April 23rd at the Greenfield Park Library.

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