I usually try and come up with a clever little title for some of these blog updates, but there wasn't much racking of the old brain to be done with this one. In order to get these photographs, I did actually jump into a lake. These are a couple of shots from a few years back. When I took them, I thought they were going to be my hit photographs of the summer. They ended up in the 'back-up photos in case the fireworks get rained out' section of my archives. Those of you with astute eyes may have noticed that the watermark reads '2019'. The photographs are actually a little bit older than that, but by the time I noticed the year, the update was already written and ready to post. Well, the fireworks didn't get
rained out, but they ended up falling victim to the Coronavirus, like a good many things this year. So, I figured it was a good time to pull them out of the archives and into the light of day. Especially on a day like today when a good many of us would probably like nothing more than a lake to jump into. As mentioned, to get these photographs, I actually had to go into a lake. My Lovel Assistant's family had a cottage near Mt. Tremblant, and we would head up there once in a while. I took the battery pack off of my camera and crouched down low in the water to get as close to the surface as possible. My Lovely Assistant served as my water alarm if the camera would get a little close to the water. Being that low helped me get some nice reflections and added a little bit of colour to the photographs. Speaking of which, the first photograph at the top of the page was taken at f/2, 1/400sec, ISO 100 at 50mm. The second photograph was taken at f/13, 1/40sec, ISO 400 at 50mm and the third photograph was taken at f/1.8. 1/3200sec, ISO 400 at 50mm. Here is another photograph to finish the set off.

f/1.8, 1/500sec, ISO 100 at 50mm
Getting back to those of you with astute eyes, did any of you happen to catch the tiny little bug on the head of the water weed? You're forgiven if you didn't see it, but I was quite happy to have captured him in my shot. Until next time, try and stay cool out there.
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