Tuesday 11 August 2020

Hot Pursuit

As we continue with our trip through the archives, I stumbled upon this photograph from a few years back.  It is another of the pre-fireworks photographs that I take before the explosions begin, but end up getting lost in the archives since I am in more of a rush to post the actual fireworks photographs.  This photograph is from a few years back, something locals will be able to recognize by the fact that the Jacques Cartier Bridge is without its now famous lights.  It was taken shortly after the police closed the bridge, which they do to allow the public to walk on the structure to enjoy the show.  My camera was already in place when I noticed a couple of police cars making their way down their respective ends of the bridge.  To capture their voyage, I took a long exposure photograph to capture the streaks of their passing lights...mostly red with flickers of blue headed east, and the opposite heading west.  The photograph was taken at f/16, 30sec, ISO 100 at 68mm.  If you'd like to see some photographs of the fireworks from that evening, just follow the link.

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