After going out for a pre-curfew walk on Thursday, I noticed that it was a little bit foggy outside. The amateur meteorologist in me took that to mean that if the temperature were to drop a little bit overnight, there was a good chance that I'd have a shot at getting some ice fog photographs in the morning. I was right to a degree. There had been some ice fog that formed on the branches and trees overnight, it's just that you couldn't see it because everything was developed in a thick fog. With plan A in shambles, it was time for Plan B. I drove down to the Jacques Cartier Bridge to see what I could see. Based on what you're looking at, I sure couldn't see a lot. I had thought about sticking around a little longer to see if the fog would lift a bit, but after 10 minutes, there was no movement at all. That's when I thought it might be cool see see how
the fog had eaten the three other bridges that connect to Montreal. My second stop was at the Victoria Bridge, but my shooting options were very limited due to security fences and construction work. I packed up my gear and headed for bridge number three, the new Samuel-de-Champlain Bridge. Once there, I kind of took advantage of a broken security fence to walk a little further onto the construction site and get a better shot. Sure, a better shot of the fog, but a better shot just the same. I was thinking about walking a little bit closer to the other side, but a little car with a flashing yellow light persuaded me that maybe it was best not to push my good fortune any further than I already had. The first photograph of the Jacques Cartier Bridge was taken at f/6.3, 1/80sec, ISO 100 at 30mm and the second photograph of the Victoria Bridge was taken at f/6.3, 1/200sec, ISO 100 at 35mm. Here is the third photograph of the Samuel-de-Champlain Bridge.
Saturday, 16 January 2021
Bridges To Nowhere
f/7.1, 1/160sec, ISO 100 at 24mm
It certainly was an interesting drive getting to my locations. The fog had lifted a bit on my drives to the Victoria and Champlain bridges, but my ride to the Jacques Cartier was something out of a Stephen King novel. It made the morning a little more memorable.
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