Saturday 3 August 2013

Good Evening, Clarice

Some of my favorite photos end up being the ones that I had no plan on taking, they happen out of the blue.  Such is the case with this suave looking grey moth.  I found this guy resting on the wall outside of where I live when I got back home from taking pictures of the Canadian Flag.  I almost did see it as it only caught my after I was already half-way through the door.  I quickly turned around and snapped off a few pics, but wasn't very impressed when I got them on the computer.  The shots were a little dark, mostly because the moth was on a wall that had little natural light because of an overhang that caused the wall to be in it's shadow.  I went back in, grabbed my flash and took another picture.  The flash allowed for the colours and pattern of the moth to really come out.  I also cropped the final image to 12" x 12" rather than the usual 8" x 12" because there isn't really anything very attractive about the brick wall.  Also, by cropping it in a square, I was still able to preserve the 'rule of thirds', but having both wings and the head of the moth on separate thirds.  This photograph was taken at f/10, 1/250sec, ISO 100 at 68mm.  I had originally tried to take the picture with a much larger aperture, like f/4, but the moth was so flat against the wall that there was no way to try and blur the background without blurring much of the moth as well.  Since the pattern on the back of the moth is, in my opinion, the most important part, it would not have made much sense in blurring any of it.

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