I'd like to start this post with a bit of honesty. This subject probably didn't need to have five photos added to it, but I really like the way that their eyes appear in these photos, thus I got a little carried away while preparing them for this page. Back in July, I made my first steps on my way to becoming the next big photographer in the
naughty picture industry. It proved to be a successful debut as many people seemed to enjoy my pictures. Well, everyone except for my mother. She had her reasons. I agree that the subject matter is a little bit
risqué, and the couple in question were responsible for eating some
of plants, but sometimes a photographer has to do what a photographer has to do. This new happy couple really didn't want to have their picture taken at first. They were found on the lid of the garbage container where I live. Along with a few of their friends, they were having quite the party, however every time I would try and get close with my camera, they would get shy and fly away. I would slowly back away and they would return after a few minutes. Oddly enough, they'd still be, ahem, connected when they would fly off and return. I guess you could call it a pretty tight relationship. I
managed to soothe their fears to the point where I was able to get close enough to them to take these photos, even while using my macro lens. Most couples would be a little uncomfortable, especially using a macro lens, but these fine folks were real troopers. As you can see from the photos, we tried a few different positions and ended up with some nice shots that they'll be able to look back on in their older years. If I can be serious for a minute, the thing I really like about these photos, as I mentioned at the very beginning, is the detail in their eyes. I also love the detail in their shadows on the lid of the
garbage can. The first photograph was taken at f/11, 1/40sec, ISO 1600 at 60mm. The second photo was taken at f/11, 1/50sec, ISO 1600 at 60mm. Photograph number three was taken at f/11, 1/200sec, ISO 1600 at 60mm. The fourth photograph was taken at f/11, 1/200sec, ISO 1600 at 60mm and the final photograph was shot at f/11,1/200sec, ISO 1600 at 60mm and then cropped to 12" x 6". Unlike my first porn shoot, taking the photographs at ISO 1600 was done on purpose. While the sun was shining bright on the lid of the trash can, I was shooting from the shadow of a tree under a late afternoon sun. Also, unlike the previous shoot, I took these photos as f/11. I chose the smaller aperture because there really wasn't anything in the background that would benefit from being thrown out of focus, and these guys were rather small and I need to make sure that they would be in focus. Shooting at f/11 is the other reason why I needed to shoot at ISO 1600. The small aperture gave me a slower shutter speed which meant I had to up the ISO in order to compensate. So, I've got a little more experience now when it comes to dirty pictures, maybe my next foray into the industry will involve models that are bigger than my fingernail. Nope, Mom won't appreciate this at all....
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