The Super Bowl has once again arrived, so I figured this would be a good time to move what's left of my football photographs to the great big hard drive in the office. I had lots of fun photographing three games of the Champlain Cavaliers. Their home field is a short walk from where I live and I thought it would be a fun chance to try my hand at some sports photography. I think the photographs came out pretty well considering that I was confined to a fence behind the end zone. You can see the
photographs I took of the first game by following the link. I went back a few weeks later and the
photographs of that second game are at this link.

They say that three is a magic number, so I went back a third time
and those photographs are at this link. Yeah, that's a lot of links, but I've been good about putting them in my little photography posts of late. These photographs are a couple of extras that I took during the third game. The first photograph of the kickoff and the kicker with the golden shoes was taken at f/3.2, 1/800sec, ISO 3200 at 200mm. The second photograph of the running back finding some room to run was taken at f/3.2, 1/640sec, ISO 3200 at 200mm and the final photograph of the quarterback waiting to get the ball was taken at f/3.2, 1/500sec, ISO 3200 at 200mm.
When I was last talking about these photographs, I mentioned how it was odd that all of the games took place at night, when the year before, they played mostly in the afternoon. While we haven't had much of a winter, some of those autumn nights I remember as being rather cold. If things work out, I'll try to take in some of their games this coming season. Hopefully under brighter, and warmer, circumstances.
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