Saturday 27 February 2016

Giant Protector

Since I wrote a little bit about changing perspectives in my last update, I figured this would be a good time to post some similar style photographs, while also getting a couple more snow photographs out of the archives.  March is already upon us, which means that these would have likely disappeared into a hard drive, never to be seen again.  These photographs were taken during a snowy walk this past January.  I've mentioned here in the past that for some unknown reason, I find snow covered benches to be interesting.  With these photographs, I was trying to capture the presence of the bench and the tree, from two different perspectives.  With the first photograph, taken at f/13, 1/100sec, ISO 400 at 35mm,I was trying to show the difference in size between the tree and the bench.  It's just one of those strange things that I notice from time to time.  With the second photograph, which was taken at f/13, 1/50sec, ISO 400 at 24mm, I tried to make the bench seem closer to the tree.  So it would kind of appear that the tree was protecting the bench from the harsh winter weather.
There's still snow on the bench, but not as much as has fallen on the ground or the tree.  I admit, it's kind of a stretch, but it does illustrate my point.  From where I chose to the the photograph, it looks like the branches of the tree are reaching out to cover the bench.  The two photographs are of the same thing, but with the first I tried to make the tree look like a looming giant over the bench, while in the second, I tried to make it look like a protecting force.  Is all of this only in my head?  I guess that's for you to judge, but it's just one of the things goes through my mind while taking photographs and trying to keep it interesting.

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