Welcome to 2017! As has become the norm over here on the blog, we began the year with fireworks. There was a bit of a hitch in that plan this year. The weather was not cooperating. A little after noon, the clouds rolled in and the snow started to fall. It kind of put a damper on things as I was kind of losing interest in attending the annual show in Old Montreal under such conditions. In a bit of a compromise, I ended up going to a local park with the hopes of getting some shots through the snow and cloud, and My Lovely Assistant joined me up on the hill, wearing snowshoes for the trek no less. Much to my fear, the cloud cover was in fact a little too thick. I still took a few shots since I was still out there and brought them home to play with. The finished product is far from being the best fireworks shots that I have ever taken. However, I still decided to include them here on the blog because I'm kind of happy that I got anything at all. I decided to include the original photograph files on this blog to provide a 'before' and 'after' effect. By playing the with the Levels tool in Photoshop, I was able to pull some colour out of the explosions, while also darkening the sky. Basically, by using the Levels tool, you can adjust the brightness, contrast and tonal range of the photograph. By doing so, I was able to take nothing, and turn it into something. The first photograph was taken at f/22, 10sec, ISO 100 at 68mm . Here is the second one, followed by the 'before' versions.

f/22, 10sec, ISO 100 at 68mm
So you see, I didn't have much to work with. If there was one plus to the whole situation, had it not been for the clouds, the spot would have actually been kind of cool. There's another similar show coming up next week, so I might go back and try it again. Hopefully the sky will be a little more clear.
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