up the morning has never really been one of my favourite activities,
but sometimes you get a pleasant surprise or two. This morning My
Lovely Assistant had to head to her Day Job so I woke up early to see
her off. As she was going through her newspaper, I grabbed a pamphlet
Saint-Lambert En Fête.
I like to go and photograph the concerts during what used to be known
as Saint-Lambert Days, so I began to flip through the pages looking for
the schedules. My eyes end up catching something that my brain told me
was familiar and as my waking eyes tried to catch up it suddenly dawned on me that I was looking at my name next to one of my old

photographs. I had taken the photograph way back in 2010 and had entered it in a local contest run by
the now defunct Lambert Magazine. The photograph ended up winning second place and was really loved by the owner of the
Taylor's department store.
Here we are eight years later and there it is in a magazine as part of
an advertisement. It was surely a pleasant way for my day to begin.
Below you can see the original photograph, complete with the ugly old
watermark I used back in 2012, which was taken at f/11, 25sec, ISO 100
at 38mm. If you wish, feel free to head back and read the original blog
post as well. Add in a croissant and some orange juice and you have a
healthy breakfast for both body and ego. The pamphlet was delivered to
homes earlier this week. Take a look, maybe I'm already in your house.
Or at least go and rescue me from your recycling bin. Be sure to take
in some of the fun at Saint-Lambert En Fête this year as well.
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