It's the odd things that nature seems to put out there that makes photography fun. This is one of those things. A few weeks back, My Lovely Assistant called me from her mother's house, saying that I should bring my camera with me the next time I visit because a couple of branches had formed into an interesting shape. Sure enough, the next time I visited Belle Mom, I took one look into her backyard and saw what My Lovely Assistant was talking about. From a certain angle, the branches of the tree had formed into the shape of a heart. The only problem was that the close you'd get to the branches, the lesser the optical illusion would appear. So, I had to either shoot from odd angles, or go far enough back into the yard so that the heart could be seen. Here are a couple of photographs that I took that afternoon because I think that such a natural happening deserves to be shared. The first photograph that you see on the left was shot at f/5.6, 1/50sec, ISO 400 at 300mm. I took the telephoto shots at ISO 400 as it was getting late in the afternoon and the trees cut into much of the sunlight that tries to get into her yard, meaning I needed as much shutter speed as possible since my lens only goes to f/5.6 at 300mm.

f/2.8, 1/60sec, ISO 100 at 70mm
f/4.5, 1/25sec, ISO 100 at 105mm
f/5.6, 1/80sec, ISO 400 at 180mm
For those of you wondering, the lovely lady in white is Fiona, one of Belle Mom's creations that decorate her yard. I included the pictures with Fiona in them because I also like how one of the branches was extending into her little wicker basket. Just another cool, little backyard photography experience.
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