It's funny how time flies. These pictures that you're about to look at were taken all the way back in May. When I was taking them, I was rather happy because it gave me some photos I could hold in reserve. I took these photographs the same day as some
chipmunks, a
small bird, a
small red tree, some
forget-me-nots and
some bees. As you can see, it was quite the productive day. At the time I was a little worried about having enough subjects/photos to keep the blog going as I had hit kind of a wall back in the Spring. This one visit resulted in six blog posts spread over four months and kind of gave me a confidence boost that maybe I could keep this little page going. Oddly enough, the photographs that I'm presenting here today, were the first photos that I took that day. First one on, last one off. We arrived a little bit before lunch, and it had rained earlier that morning. I took a quick look around the yard and saw that there were still drops of rain on several of the flowers. The sun was starting to come out, so I knew that the odds were not that great that the drops of rain would still be around after lunch. I grabbed my camera and Macro lens and bolted

out the basement door. Lunch may have been served a little bit later than usual that day, but I refuse to say that it was because of me. Though it probably was. I've said several times over the last few months that my Macro lens doesn't get to see the light of day that much over the Winter, but it sure gets a work-out in the Spring and Summer. The lens does a wonderful job of bringing out the smallest of details in the plants and flowers. In this case, it was the raindrops that I wanted to capture and I think they came out great. Even if it did take me four months to finally publish these photographs. I say that as a joke, of course. The quality of the photographs was never in question as far as I'm concerned. It's more a case of them falling victim to a busier than usual Summer where I used my camera an awful lot. Since that was actually the reason why I keep running this blog, I take it as a great sign that it took so long for me to bring these photographs to this page. It means that I've been taking lots of photos, which is the goal that I hoped to achieve when this page began. The first photograph on this page is some Day Lily foliage. It was shot at f/4, 1/125sec, ISO 100 at 60mm. The second photograph is an Azalea and it was shot at f/4, 1/200sec, ISO 100 at 60mm. Here are the rest of the photographs.

Foliage from the Flox flower
f/4, 1/125sec, ISO 100 at 60mm
A Hosta plant
f/4, 1/160sec, ISO 100 at 60mm
Some more Day Lily foliage.
f/4, 1/200sec, ISO 100 at 60mm
I really enjoyed taking these pictures. I especially liked the photographs I took of the Hosta plants. The way that the water collected in the middle of them almost looked like little chunks of ice. The way that the drops of water formed perfect crystal balls on the foliage was also very cool. Believe it or not, I still have another blog post left to write from this one visit to my Mom's backyard. Quite the productive morning indeed.
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