It's hard to believe that another year is coming to an end here at the old blog. It's usually around this time of year that I sit back and look back at the little column on the right hand side of the page where there is a list of all the updates that I've done over the year. This year it tells me that there have been 126 updates, soon to be 127. That would make 2016 the second most productive year here. That's one heck of a lot of photographs. Sure, some of them come from my dusty archives, but the majority of those updates were taken in this calendar year. Which cannot be said for this little group of photographs. These were taken a few years back, but kept getting bumped down the rotation. I had prepared them for a 2016 unveiling by putting the watermark on them back in the Spring, but they kind of got lost in the shuffle due to all of the sunset photographs I ended up taking back in November. The sky isn't quite as red as the other photographs, but what I liked best about this set is the bridge. In darkened silhouette, especially in the second photograph, the pieces of metal that make up the superstructure really stick out. The first and second photograph
were taken at f/7.1, 1/400sec, ISO 400 at 200mm. That's because the second photograph was actually cropped out of the first one. With that, things come to a close. As I was saying, it was a rather productive year. Highlights for me would be the many concerts I managed to get my camera into, whether it was welcome or not. Though I hate the heat, the month of July is always a favourite of mine due to the fireworks. Though my photographs didn't end up being exposed anywhere this year, I did manage to get two of them onto the television thanks to CTV News. There was some football, hockey and soccer, to go along with some peaceful insects, flowers and classic cars. I hope I tempted a few taste buds with the tasty creations baked by My Lovely Assistant, and I reached new highs by taking a photograph from the very top of a jam packed Olympic Stadium. It's all been a blast and hopefully things will continue in the new year. One in which I'll be having my third photography exposition. You'll begin to hear much more about that in the coming weeks as March will be upon us very quickly. I hope that you've all had a good time here in 2016 and that you'll keep coming back in 2017. Happy New Year to you all.