The headlining act for the second night of Fête Nationale activities in Ville de Longueuil was none other than Roxane Bruneau. You'd be hard pressed be to living here in Québec and not be aware of who this terrific performer is. She sort of came out of nowhere a few years back, but has rocketed to the top of the charts. Part of that success is, of course, due to her catchy songs, but also her personality. I've heard the songs on the radio, but this was my first time seeing her live, and her little chats with the audience between songs were equally fun. She comes across not as some untouchable idol up on the stage, but rather as an ordinary Joe like the rest of us, who just happened to find herself there. She must have given away a couple hundred dollars worth of t-shirts during the show thanks to a running gag with the sound
technician. At one point, she turned to the crowd saying that she should probably stop before her boss gets mad at her for giving away so much merchandise, before doing a double take and reminding herself that she is the boss. This was followed by another barrage of t-shirts into the crowd. Her most recent album, Acrophobie was released in 2020 and over the last few years has won her ADISQ awards for Album of the Year, Pop Album of the Year, Female Performer of the Year and Song of the Year. She also recently announced that a new album, Submergé, will be released later this year. There is no reason to think that her wave of success will be cresting any time soon, and that's nice to know because it's always good to see nice things happen to nice people. The first photograph was taken at f/3.2, 1/500sec, ISO 800 at 70mm and the second photograph was taken at f/3.2, 1/500sec, ISO 800 at 70mm. Here are several more photographs from her performance.
Friday, 30 June 2023
Roxane Bruneau At Fête Nationale
Madiba King At Fête Nationale
And then the clouds parted and the sun came out to shine. That's a good way to describe what took place on the second night of Fête Nationale festivites in Ville de Longueuil. This time in the borough of Saint-Hubert at the Parc-de-la-Cité. It was hot and muggy in the morning as My Lovely Assistant and I took the Heir Apparent and Crown Prince to participate in some of the children's activities. But by mid-afternoon, the skies had opened and rain began to fall very heavily. It was at that point that I realized it might be a good idea to bring a raincoat, followed by the quick realization that I don't have one. So, My Lovely Assistant lived up to her name and fashioned me a protective covering out of a baby carriage cover. To be honest, I think she was just testing me to see if I would actually wear it as she was fighting back the
laughter as I slipped on my protective cape. Off I went, leaving early to get a parking spot on the crowded streets. As I sat in the car, that is when the clouds slowly began to give way. I had already given up on photographing the opening act in an attempt to remain as dry as possible before getting soaked for the headliner, but I didn't even need my umbrella as I made my way to the front of the stage. Sadly, but this point Madiba King had already completed more than half of his set, but there were still a couple of songs left to be played so I quickly got to work. I didn't get to hear much, but he and band were having a great time up on the stage. The crowd was getting in on the fun as well as I managed to find a couple of youngsters taking part in a little jig to one of his songs. The party had most definitely begun as even a beach ball found it's way flying through the crowd. The first photograph was taken at f/3.2, 1/2500sec, ISO 1600 at 65mm and the second photograph was taken at f/3.2, 1/1600sec, ISO 1600 at 70mm. Here are a few more photographs of his performance.